REGISTRATION HomeLife Tutorial is open to all students who have been homeschooled at least one year (exceptions may apply), who are registered with an umbrella school or local board of education, and who have read and agree to our Core Beliefs Statement and Code of Conduct. Students who are enrolled with a Tennessee virtual school are not eligible. To register for classes, the online registration form must be completed and submitted along with the nonrefundable registration fee. The registration fee must be received in order to hold your student's spot in the class. Upon receiving your registration form, an interview will be scheduled for each family (both returning and new) to discuss your student's needs/placement and answer any questions you may have. Enrollment in some courses may require some prerequisite coursework and final acceptance into these classes is based upon approval of the instructor and/or Classroom Administrator. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Parents have the primary responsibility for their student's education and parental involvement is vital to the student's success. We ask that you communicate with your instructors and with the Classroom Administrator as often as needed to ensure your student's success. Please see our Code of Conduct which includes Parent Responsibilities. ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE Students are expected to arrive on time and be ready to begin when the class starts. Please do not drop your student off more than 30 minutes before class. Students need to be picked up promptly when class is over. SICKNESS For the protection of staff, instructors, and other students please do not send sick students to class. See our Covid-19 Guidelines for more detail. ATTENDANCE If your student needs to miss because of sickness, travel, etc., please let the instructor know as soon as possible. It is the student's/parent's responsibility to contact the instructor regarding making up missed assignments. Missed classes are not prorated. Students must remain in the building at all times during class times and may not be in any outside area without a parent, other supervising adult or permission of their instructor. CANCELLATIONS We will communicate via Slack, and/or email, any cancellations due to inclement weather. EMERGENCIES We must have an emergency contact on your registration form. Please list someone local that we can contact in the event we cannot get in touch with you. You will be given the name and number of a staff member should you need to contact your student in the event of an emergency. ELECTRONIC DEVICES Students may bring cell phones but they must be silenced during class time and the instructor may not allow them in a particular class. Other electronic devices such as mp3 players, ipods, etc. may be in designated areas only. Prep and High School students should have a sufficient device for classwork. Laptops or Chromebooks are highly recommended. DAMAGES We expect the students to be respectful of HomeLife Academy and HomeLife Tutorial property. Classrooms, bathrooms and hallways are to be left clean. Students may be in designated areas only. Parents are responsible to repair or replace any property damaged by their student. FOOD AND DRINKS Food and drinks may be consumed during class with the instructor's permission; otherwise, they may be consumed during the break. All snacks and drinks should be taken home daily but must be weekly. No peanut products without approval. HLT provides a "Snack Center" for Junior High and High School students to purchase snacks and water. Snacks may be paid by cash, cash app through a QR code, or by purchasing a Snack Pack which includes vouchers for purchases. Elementary students wanting to purchase snacks (no sweets) must do so before class begins. There is a microwave available for occasional use to the Junior High, High School, and instructors only. Elementary is not allowed use of the microwave. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS It is our desire to create a learning environment that is relaxed, fosters creativity and collaboration among students and encourages learning independence. We ask each student to be mindful of the following guidelines: Class participation by all students is integral to the success of this tutorial. Each student is expected to come to class fully prepared to participate in classroom discussion, offer input on project ideas, and work with other students and teachers in a respectful and helpful manner. The amount of homework given will directly correlate with the number of hours your student spends at tutorial. Ample time will be given over the three day period for students to complete assignments. Any assignments not completed during tutorial hours will be expected to be completed at home. It is the parent's responsibility to make sure your student's homework is being completed. Students are expected to read, understand, and agree to the Code of Conduct which explains the Student Responsibilities, Dress Code, Academic Code, and Behavior in the Classroom. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Any activity that compromises the academic integrity of HomeLife Tutorial and undermines the educational process will not be tolerated and will be grounds for dismissal. This sort of academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized use of resources, and facilitating academic dishonesty. HomeLife Tutorial reserves the right to dismiss a student/family for personal and/or academic misconduct at our discretion. Fees will not be refunded. SERVICES PROVIDED HomeLife Tutorial is not the typical classroom. We strive to help students to grow and overcome obstacles, whether those are social, emotional, behavioral, or academic. We have trained staff that watch for behaviors and concerns that may need to be addressed or students who need extra care and attention. We have qualified instructors who have a passion for teaching as well as our Special Needs Consultant and Social Worker on site to provide assessment, resources, encouragement and support to all students, parents, and our instructors. We include morning “circle time” which gives students time to talk about things important to them. Every student at HomeLife Tutorial has an individualized learning plan based on their strengths and needs.