From Power Point presentations and portfolios, to legos and 3D printing, the high school STEAM class displayed their creativity.
Andrew 3D printed his simple machine examples.
Caleb gave an informative presentation
James built a working lego model
John and Nathan's massive Rokenbok amusement park
High School Toy Take-apart
The high school class did a reverse engineering analysis of a toy. After they were done they got to recreate the toys as they saw fit!
Junior High Bot Battle
The JH class made cup battle robots in our exploration of circuits. The final test was a competition battle with 1st place going to "Jebb" and 2nd place going to "Hopper."
Junior High spent a day figuring out how a solar toy worked, followed by lessons on circuit building.
The junior high class presented projects on the six simple machines. There is a lot of creativity in this group!
The upper elementary students have been visiting the lab this trimester. So far, we've been exploring the periodic table and circuits.
The high school class welcomed a guest speaker, Mr. Charlie Estes, who gave them insights into the design engineering process in the work place. Thank you, Mr. Estes!
Sr. High started off the new trimester with a Engineering Design challenge using pulleys. The Jr. High explored wheel and axles.
Both Jr. High and Sr. High ended the semester with interesting and creative presentations about a famous scientist
Davis's sketch of Darwin
Zack showing the code behind his Lord Kelvin animation
Jr. High exploring friction
Sr. High delved deeper into simple machines with design challenges. They built prototypes of catapults and wheel chair ramps
The Jr. High learned about ASCII coding and created a necklace with their name in code. The senior high started an engineering and mechanical advantage adventure.
The Jr. and Senior High presented creative takes on the metric system. Madison read a monolog (pictured above), Caroline showed-off graphic art skills and Colby wowed us with a Minecraft creation
This week the Jr. High worked on the forces of flight and the scientific method. The Sr. High experimented with potential and kinetic energy.
Ms. Kyzar always makes science fun with hands-on learning!