Phyllis Broadus - Junior High Language Arts & High School World History & Geography

Phyllis will beginning her 5th year of teaching for our HomeLife Tutorial.She has been married to her husband Bob for 29 years. She has 2 daughters that went directly into college after graduating from HomeLife Academy. Her older daughter will be blessing her with a grandson in June. The younger daughter is happily living and working in Kentucky.
Phyllis loves teaching and has been a teacher since she taught Bible classes at age 14. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology/Education from National College of Education in Lombard, IL. She started out as a pre-school teacher, going from there to a Music teacher and then into Special Ed and Elementary Ed teaching. While homeschooling, she continued teaching English as a Second Language in various aspects. After she finished homeschooling her children, Phyllis went into substitute teaching at the high school level, until she came to work for HomeLife Academy the fall of 2011. Teaching is her passion.
Phyllis loves teaching and has been a teacher since she taught Bible classes at age 14. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology/Education from National College of Education in Lombard, IL. She started out as a pre-school teacher, going from there to a Music teacher and then into Special Ed and Elementary Ed teaching. While homeschooling, she continued teaching English as a Second Language in various aspects. After she finished homeschooling her children, Phyllis went into substitute teaching at the high school level, until she came to work for HomeLife Academy the fall of 2011. Teaching is her passion.
Juliana Kyzar - Biology, Physical Science and Elementary & Junior High Sciences

Juliana has three children and embarked on her homeschooling journey 4 years ago. She graduated with a B.S. in Biology and a minor in Secondary Education from Mississippi College and later a Masters in Biology from Middle Tennessee State University. Her teaching experience ranges from elementary summer camps and the public school classroom all the way to university level classes; however, leading her children in a homeschool environment is closest to her heart. She hopes to help empower other parents as they walk along their homeschool journey.
Caroljeanne Phillips (RaeAnne Education) - Chemistry

Caroljeanne has been teaching classes since she was an elementary student herself. Teaching is in her DNA. Her home schooling adventure began when her daughters were preschoolers. Eventually, in 1993, she and her husband, Cal, started RaeAnne Education Center, one of the first home school tutorials in Connecticut. Both girls home schooled through high school. Their eldest daughter, Cara-Anne, is now a critical care nurse at Jackson General as well as mother of two preschoolers; Caitlin Rae, teaches high school English at the American Community School in Athens, Greece and is expecting a daughter in May. While schooling both her daughters through high school, Caroljeanne
went back to college herself in 2001 to earn her M.Ed. from Covenant College. Her Bachelor’s degree from College of New Rochelle is in English and Elementary Education. Continuing her own self-education, Caroljeanne has earned TN certifications in elementary education, junior high science, and high school chemistry. When the Phillips moved to Tennessee in 2002, their tutorial did also. She’s concentrated on teaching college preparatory classes in a variety of subjects, but teaching hands-on science is her favorite and she’s excited to teach chemistry for HomeLife Tutorial this year.
went back to college herself in 2001 to earn her M.Ed. from Covenant College. Her Bachelor’s degree from College of New Rochelle is in English and Elementary Education. Continuing her own self-education, Caroljeanne has earned TN certifications in elementary education, junior high science, and high school chemistry. When the Phillips moved to Tennessee in 2002, their tutorial did also. She’s concentrated on teaching college preparatory classes in a variety of subjects, but teaching hands-on science is her favorite and she’s excited to teach chemistry for HomeLife Tutorial this year.
Angela Broyles - Art Instruction & Intro to Language Arts for Elementary

Angela has over 20 years of experience as a professional Fine Artist. She began drawing and painting at an early age under the influence of her grandmother, Margaret Frankland Hudson, who is a professional portrait artist. Angela studied at Memphis College of Art in Memphis, Tennessee, and later graduated from Lambuth University in Jackson, Tennessee, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Visual Art with a concentration in Studio Art and a minor in English. She has experience in teaching children and adults. She has taught art at Marguerite’s Fine Art Academy and Sacred Heart High School Summer Art Camp, as well as, private art lessons. She is a very passionate teacher, who inspires students and guides them to develop their own creativity and self-expression through art. Angela is a member of the Tennessee Watercolor Society (TnWS), Kentucky Watercolor Society (KWS), and the Southern Watercolor Society (SW). Angela’s paintings have been accepted into juried exhibitions. Her paintings hang permanently in homes across the South, including Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, and as far as Anchorage, Alaska. She resides in Jackson, Tennessee, with her husband and daughter.
Christy Gatti - Elementary & Junior High History

Christy has been married since 1993 and has 4 children, the oldest being a HomeLife Academy graduate. After receiving her Elementary Education degree from Pensacola Christian College, she went right into the journey of teaching -- the 4th grade for a year, then 6th grade for a few years. When her oldest was school-aged, she and her husband decided to homeschool and then were off on a different journey! They have been homeschooling for the last 14 years. In addition to being able to homeschool her children, she also works in the office at HomeLife Academy and now has the privilege to step back into the classroom with HomeLife Tutorial. " I have a passion for 4-7th graders. There is never a dull moment. I love the subject of History/Geography and I look forward to bringing the past to life as we journey through the pages of our text and learn about our world."
Stacey Elliott - Early Elementary - H.O.P. and L.E.A.P.

Stacey Elliott is a mother of four boys. She and her husband, Jeff, have been married for over 25 years and are currently homeschooling their son at HomeLife Tutorial and home in Lexington, TN. She has BS degree in Early Childhood Education from Peabody College of Vanderbilt University and has returned to West TN from Cape Coral, Florida. She has also had several courses in Special Education and has worked a a remedial reading /math teacher for struggling students. She is very excited to have the opportunity to teach the H.O.P. and L.E.A.P. classes for HomeLife, teaching her favorite age group 1st through 3rd grades. Her philosophy of ECE is “children learn best in an environment that allows exploration and learning through hands on experiences purposefully created by the teacher and conducive to learning. Children don’t have to feel like they are being taught; they can learn naturally through experiences and from one another.”
Kimberly Condray - High School English & Health/Fitness

Kim Condray & her husband Ray reside in Jackson Tennessee with their 5 furry babies. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education & joined HLT last school year to teach Intro to Lit/Comp. During the summer Kim has been completing her IEW training and will be a Registered IEW Instructor this fall. Kim is also a certified personal trainer through ISMAA. She gets no greater joy than to see her students/clients succeed at being fit and educated in their personal life as well as in society.
Rebecca Beverly - Algebra I

Rebecca and her husband, Steve, are parents of two daughters who graduated from homeschooling. The whole family agrees that educating at home was a great choice and the benefits from those years still influence them today. Rebecca graduated from Auburn University with a bachelors degree in industrial engineering. After working in industry for several years, she obtained her masters degree in mathematics and has enjoyed teaching at the college level. While a high school student, Rebecca began tutoring math to her fellow students and she continues to tutor math both at the high school and college level today. At HLA, she is looking forward to helping homeschool students and their parents see that math is not boring and full of endless drill. Her students will learn the basic facts of mathematics (exciting!) but even more so how math relates to the real world and ultimately points to the Creator (even more exciting!).
Rafael Barrantes - Spanish

Rafael is American Citizen, originally from Costa Rica. He is married to the former Kattia Cascante for 34 years. They have four children Jeimy, Isaac, Tatiana and Christopher. He has been preaching the gospel for 31 years in three different countries of Central America. He has established 6 congregations of the church of Christ, the last three in Memphis, Alabama and Jackson TN. He holds B.A. in Spanish language from University of Costa Rica; B.A from Southern Christian University in Montgomery, Alabama; Masters Degree in the New Testament from Freed Hardeman University, and Masters Degree in Divinity from FHU. Currently he is finishing his doctorate. He graduated from two different schools of preaching: Pan-American Bible Institute and Memphis School of Preaching. He is the current Hispanic minister of North Jackson Church of Christ, and director of the Annual English/Spanish Conference. He is the Spanish editor of the Voice of the Truth International, He writes for Harvest Magazine and he is the leader of Costa Rica/Panama Mission Trips. Rafael has a passion for teaching and enjoys seeing students learn.
Diann Robinson - Theater

Diann has been employed with the City of Jackson since 1993 serving several titles from Recreational Aide to Administrative Assistant. From 1993 to 2012 she also maintained the title of assistant director and backstage manager for the Jackson Children's and Teen Theatre and has directed the Housewives theater. As of September 2012, Diann was named the Administrator of Cultural Arts at The Ned R. McWherter West TN Cultural Arts Center. She will be married 40 years in March to John M. Robinson, II and has 3 children and 6 grandchildren. Hobbies are reading, playing the guitar, singing and sign language. Diann is a member of the Crosswinds Church of Christ at Threeway.
Linda Simons - Junior High History & High School Government

Linda says she always tell folks she was born and raised in New Jersey, but came home to the south as soon as she could! She received her degree from Rutgers University in 1993 in Political Science and History. She had enrolled in the MPA/PhD program when the opportunity came for her family to move "home" to Tennessee. She and her husband, Tim, wanted to live on a farm and raise something. She has raised horses and taught lessons for over 10 years. Needless to say, her advanced degree became horses. She has been teaching hippology and judging teams and even though she has other work experience, she says nothing she's done compares to teaching! She also teaches Sunday School, works with her women's group and teaches youth. She says, "Finding HomeLife Tutorial was heaven sent 4 years ago. My daughter "Lyssie" has had some of the finest teachers we could ever ask for! I am beyond bless to have the family I enjoy, and the opportunity to begin a new chapter as a history teacher. I hope not to just educate, but to inspire those I teach to understand the world around them and to always see the Lord's work in the society we have."
Tim Simons - Economics

Tim comes to us with over 30 years of experience in the field of business. He is a business man who has worked in the fields of Accounting, Financial Planning & Analysis, Business Management and more. Tim graduated from Rutgers University with a BS in Engineering, and received his MBA from George Mason University. He is husband to Linda Simons, our US History and Government instructor and father to one of our own HLT students, Alyssa "Lyssie" Simons. We are excited to have his knowledge and expertise in the classroom.
Angela McKee, Chair
Registration, Billing & Account Mgmt

Angela is the administrator for HomeLife Academy and has served on the board and planning committee of HomeLife Tutorial since its inception in 2012. She handles registration and billing as well as any general questions about the tutorial. You can reach her at [email protected] or call the office at 888-560-0774 ext 3515.
Phyllis Lerro, Board Member
High School Family/Student Relations & Academic Advisor

Phyllis is a HomeLife Academy high school guidance counselor and lifelong homeschooler. She has served on the board for HomeLife Tutorial since 2014. She will be handling any high school family/ student questions or concerns as well as assisting with course selection and academic assessment for class placement. You can reach her at [email protected] or call the office at 888-560-0774 ext 3516.
Phyllis is a HomeLife Academy high school guidance counselor and lifelong homeschooler. She has served on the board for HomeLife Tutorial since 2014. She will be handling any high school family/ student questions or concerns as well as assisting with course selection and academic assessment for class placement. You can reach her at [email protected] or call the office at 888-560-0774 ext 3516.
Phyllis Broadus, Board Member
K-8th Family/Student Relations & Academic Advisor

Phyllis is a HomeLife Academy K-8th guidance counselor and lifelong homeschooler. She has served HomeLife Tutorial as an instructor and key Language Arts advisor since its inception in 2012. She has joined our board as of 2016. She will be handling any K-8th family/student questions or concerns as well as assisting with course selection and academic assessment for class placement. You can reach her at [email protected] or call the office at 888-560-0774 ext 3502.